An engagement session, a wedding anniversary, or…just because. All great reasons to photograph yourself with the one you love. Some people may wonder why take engagement portraits prior to a wedding anyway? Engagement portraits are a great way to share and inform family and friends of your pending nuptuals. While there was a time when a couple would get a simple portrait taken to put in their wedding invitations and local paper, now things are a little more advanced and personalized than that. Facebook, Pinterest, and the web are all prime real estate for your amazing images. But the thing that I find MOST important about an engagement session is it allows the couple to establish a RELATIONSHIP with their photographer prior to their big day. It’s like the photographer/client version of going out on a coffee date prior to going to a fancy long dinner date. After all, the photographer is one of the only hired vendors on your big that you will probably spend every waking minute with. Feeling comfortable and having a friendship with that person is imperative to a relaxed, fun, and joyful wedding day and images that go along to prove it.
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